Anadarko Basin Oil and Gas Investors
Investing in Anadarko Basin AssetsOil and Gas Investors in the Anadarko Basin
Trueblood Resources has been finding and producing reserves of oil and gas in the Anadarko Basin since 1988. During this over 30-year history we have consistently worked hard for all of our investors. Given the inherent risk in drilling and producing oil and gas wells, we encourage only the most sophisticated investors to consider this type of investment as a portion of their portfolio.
We diversify our geologic targets to provide maximum exposure to opportunity. Geology being an observational science is not often as definable as we in the earth science business would like. We must therefore wear a technical hat yet be sensitive to how best to manage risk.
One important aspect is to make every effort to control costs.
The Anadarko Basin provides cost effective acquisitions
Trueblood Resources believes the Anadarko Basin provides a unique opportunity to acquire assets of extraordinary quality for a reasonable cost. As one of the richest petroleum systems in the world, the Anadarko is only now, with the use of horizontal drilling technology, demonstrating the possibilities it may yield in the upcoming years. Like the Permian Basin, it contains world class source rock, a deep sedimentary environment with multi stack pay which can be developed on a single property. The cost of entry is far more reasonable than the Permian and with continued deployment of drilling capital, the overall value of assets acquired will greatly increase in cash flow and price.
Creating More Value for Investors and Quality Partners
We are persistent and tenacious in creating value for all who participate in our oil and gas prospects; proper use of capital; expertise as an oil lease operator; and wise employment of leverage.
Trueblood Resources generally enters projects in the earlier stage where costs of entry are reasonable while doing our homework to buy the asset right. In the oil business this means extensive and thorough technical work followed by strong personal relationships making our transactions more profitable.
** Wall Street Journal Interview with John B. Trueblood August 2015
Trueblood Resources is always looking for quality partners and we provide quality investments.
Please contact us should you be interested in working with our group.
Participating as Operators, Non-Operators, and Investors
We have personally participated in oil and gas wells as both an operator, non-operator as well as investor. As such we are sensitive and fully aware all we can ultimately control is our costs. This does not however compromise our commitment to acquire geologic data and drilling information instrumental in our efforts to shorten the learning curve.
3M Completion Elbert, OK

Oil Storage Tank Battery

Operational Drilling Trailer