Anadarko Basin & Texas Oil Producer
The Anadarko Basin, one of the richest petroleum systems in the world, contains a series of sands and carbonates over a 20,000’ section. This multi “stacked” pay system provides great serendipity and continues to produce high volumes of oil and natural gas reserves.
Horizontal drilling, now in its early stages in the Anadarko Basin, has greatly increased the access to sizable oil and gas deposits.
Twenty five years ago, Trueblood Resources was formed to focus on this world class sedimentary basin and the development of new reserves of oil and gas.
The Anadarko Basin Oil Play provides an excellent business climate, streamlined regulatory procedures and established infrastructure. With our extensive local knowledge Trueblood Resources continues to identify and successfully exploit the Anadarko Basin’s vast potential.
Trueblood Resources has joined forces with Dr. Gary Pope, one of the leading experts in chemical EOR, along with Ultimate EOR of Austin, TX, a company he help founded, to review, evaluate and exploit oil properties between 700′ – 1500′ which are principally located in Oklahoma and Texas. These properties have viscous oil with generally low primary recoveries, high permeability reservoir, a lower saline environment and significant oil in place.
Our group will partner up with existing operators and working interest owners to joint venture in the further exploitation of the properties employing our thoughtfully designed use of chemical EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) to significantly increase recoveries of oil on a cost effective basis. We are also seeking additional oil and gas companies and sophisticated investors to join us in this unique business niche which is very unworked on a domestic basis.
The current properties we are exploiting and intend to exploit have recoverable reserves in the 2,000,000 – 5,000,000 BO range. Our business model is scalable with numerous projects to be pursued over the next Five Years focusing primarily in Oklahoma and Texas both having excellent operating climates.
Oil Joint Ventures
Over our 25-year history as an Anadarko Producer, Trueblood Resources has had many successful joint ventures offering a variety of sophisticated oilfield investments, Individuals, corporations, private family companies both industry and non-industry participants have experienced the comprehensive detail Trueblood Resources brings to each of its projects.
One of our most recent JV’s with Mewbourne Oil Company and Red McCombs (McCombs Energy) is focused on a series of carbonates in the Northwest portion of the Anadarko Basin.
Trueblood Resources has a complete team which can perform all aspects of upstream exploration and development. From prospect identification, acreage acquisition, logistical planning and operations, our Anadarko Group can bring a broad array of skill sets to the project. We are comfortable as operator and non-operator.
As experienced Anadarko Basin oil operators, Trueblood Resources has a technical database with thousands of well logs and proprietary rock data collected over 25 years from the numerous oil and gas wells we have drilled and operated within the Anadarko Basin. With more than two decades of expertise focusing on the Anadarko Basin and the many relationships we have formed, Trueblood Resources has established a strong local knowledge.
Since the early days of our Company’s history, Trueblood Resources has focused on drilling vertical wells in the lower, middle and upper Pennsylvanian age rocks. We are particularly interested in vertical wells in the Pennsylvanian geologic age as it contains rich source rock, multiple pay zones and both sands and carbonates which have produced vertically for over 100 years. This extensive access to geologic information has made the Anadarko Basin an ideal area for identifying high quality new opportunities to exploit.
The horizontal drill bit, which is now the technology of choice we primarily use, is also producing great results.
Beaver County – Ellis County – Harper County Oklahoma Projects
In Beaver County we have completed projects around Balko, OK, Forgan, OK, Slapout, OK, and Turpin, OK. In Ellis County we have extensive experience with projects near Arnett, OK, Fargo, OK, Gage, OK, and Shattuck, OK. In Harper County, our primary focus has been in and around Laverne, OK as well as north of FT Supply, OK
- Horizontal and Vertical Drilling Expertise 75%
- Balko, Forgan, Slapout, Turpin, Ellis County, OK Projects 45%
- Cost Effective, Efficient Joint Ventures ! 90%

Upstream Oil & Gas Liquids Exploration & Production
O & G Joint Venture Partners
Exploration and Production joint ventures in Oklahoma have included:
Apache Corp, Kirkpatrick Oil Company, McCombs Energy (Red McCombs), Mewbourne Oil Company, Range Resources
2024 Western Oklahoma Drilling Program
One of projects in which we initially acquired 40,000 acres of oil and gas leases very near the FT Supply oil field, has extensive vertical production in the Oswego Limestone Formation. TRI is also actively re-evaluating its extensive geologic and engineering data base in Western Oklahoma to develop a portfolio of several drilling targets which we expect to exploit in 2024. This includes both vertical targets of moderate depth with good porosity and permeability as well as several tighter resource plays. The vertical targets are expected to have low drilling and completion costs with a possible 2:1 return and moderate risk. The resource targets have significant potential to scale, also moderate depths, allowing for a more reasonable cost to drill and complete. These targets at estimated recoveries of 250MBO are economically quite attractive with upside potential of double these recoverable reserves per well. The vertical targets are well controlled geologically and a simple drilling and completion operation. Low risk, good estimated returns and reasonably scalable.

Directional Drilling Analysis by John B. Trueblood
Oswego Limestone Dover Unit Analogue Opportunity
Trueblood Resources is seeking additional oil and gas companies and sophisticated investors to join us in the Oswego Limestone as well as other Anadarko Basin Projects we have underway. The first horizontal well drilled by our group on the Oswego project was operated by Mewbourne Oil Company. We intend in 2024 as oil prices are now favorable to evaluate a series of moderate depth horizontal oil and gas projects in the western part of the Anadarko. These are very targeted with each prospect about 6,500 to 10,000 acres in size. In most cases they will be exploited with horizontal drilling.
Chaparral believes one of its wells may ultimately produce up to 1,000,000 barrels of oil from the Oswego in the Dover Unit. TRI’s Oswego project more towards Woodward, OK may contain similar reserves.
Hybrid Environmental - Energy Project Cleaning Fresh Water Aquifers
Trueblood Resources in conjunction with our EOR affilate JGS Resources is underway with a facinating project in the East TX Basin. We are cleaning shallow fresh water aquifers natually contaminated with a valuable napthenic material ideal for the manufature of synthetics and lubricants.
Over many millions of years in this unique geologic environment, a valuable specialty oil migrated to shallow fresh water aquifers. Using our proprietary protocols along with a water base polymer, the contaminate is filtered and removed from the aquifer. The valuable contaminate is sold bringing significant value to all involved, while clean water is then reintroduced back into its orginal state within the aquifer. Although the water after cleaning may not ultimately be potable, it may contain usuable qualities whereas prior it had none.
On one of the projects TRI operates for our subsidary JGS Resources, we have been successful engineering a 13 acre pilot which is now selling generally 29 loads of a specialty napthenic oil each month. 4500 bbls This speciatly product is being shipped to refineries in Arkansas which are designed to use this valuable oil for numerous materials.

Chemical EOR – Enhanced Oil Recovery with Dr. Gary Pope, University of Texas Austin
Shallow Oil Properties being exploited using our proprietary chemical EOR protocol
Trueblood Resources has joined forces with Dr. Gary Pope, one of the leading experts in chemical EOR, along with Ultimate EOR of Austin, TX, a company he help founded, to review, evaluate and exploit oil properties between 700′ – 1500′ which are principally located in Oklahoma and Texas. These properties have viscous oil with generally low primary recoveries, high permeability reservoir, a lower saline environment and significant oil in place.
Our group will partner up with existing operators and working interest owners to joint venture in the further exploitation of the properties employing our thoughtfully designed use of chemical EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) to significantly increase recoveries of oil on a cost effective basis. We are also seeking additional oil and gas companies and sophisticated investors to join us in this unique business niche which is very unworked on a domestic basis.
The current properties we are exploiting and intend to exploit have recoverable reserves in the 2,000,000 – 5,000,000 BO range. Our business model is scalable with numerous projects to be pursued over the next Five Years focusing primarily in Oklahoma and Texas both having excellent operating climates.
Dr. Gary Pope, UT Austin, and John B. Trueblood, President Trueblood Resources, 2018 Inventor of the Year Award, UT Austin
In 2007 Trueblood Resources began collaborating with Dr. Gary Pope to apply his research and ideas in direct field applications. This transpired into several projects including a relationship with the 3M Company field testing a product they have developed to enhance the recovery of natural gas and condensate. From this beginning relationship in 2007, Trueblood Resources continued to work with Dr. Pope for the next 10 years. One of our more successful projects yielded a 10:1 return on the investment we expended. During this 10 year period we have come to admire Dr. Pope’s thoughtful abilities and it is a real pleasure working with him. In the summer of 2017, as the legendary Dr. Pope was beginning to ramp down his teaching career, Trueblood Resources proposed to Dr. Pope we “partner up” and form a new company to focus on EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) on an operating and development basis. Essentially Trueblood Resources would be the operating company, John Trueblood and Dr. Pope along with a small technical team would identify acquire and exploit numerous projects applying our EOR expertise. The goal being, high technical skills in this specialty coupled with nimble business decisions while relying on TRI’s efficient operations and deep business relationships.
We continue to reach out to industry to encourage other operators to join up with us should they have assets on which we may be able to apply our talents and greatly improve the value of the property(s).
Please contact us should you have a property on which we might collaborate and join our talents to maximize the recovery of oil.This also includes sophisticated investors who are interested in this niche as an investment to achieve what could be an excellent ROI.
A big congratulations to the esteemed Dr. Pope for receiving the 2018 University of Texas Inventor of the Year Award. It is an honor to be doing business together.
Watch this video to learn more about his journey to becoming one of the oil and gas industry’s leading innovators.
EOR Team On Location In Oklahoma and East Texas Developing New Chemical EOR Projects
In 2018 our EOR affiliate JGS began to review various projects to employ our chemical EOR specialty. Focusing principally on Oklahoma and Texas, we identified an area in East TX which had many ideal charactaristics for us to pursue. High permeability reservoirs, soft water, active oil conducive to simple water-based polmer floods with the potential to employ AP and ACP.
We are now underway with begining development of one of these assets. Our goal is to initially engineer a simple polymer flood following up on extensive collection of actual field data which we have thoroughly modeled using software originally developed by Dr. Pope.
Our three mechanical engineers fabricate much our our specialized equipment
Dr. Pope and John Trueblood continue to strategize on how most cost effectively to engineer and develop cutting edge EOR protocols which will maximize the recovery of oil in a relativeley short period of time. This specialized niche is less price sensitve as our goal is to engineeer projects with a break even oil price of less than $30 per barrel.
Because we are energizing the reservoir typical reserve recovery is in 5-7 years. NPV can be very attractive even in a lower price environment. Our projects also require relatively moderate capital outlay.
Our CEO of JGS Sriram Solairaj, worked extensively with Dr. Pope doing EOR research before joining ConocoPhillips and then Premier Labs. His EOR experience is solid and reservoir engineering evaluations thorough.
Dr. Pope is always a thoughtful and hands on task master.
Our team of six engineeers, mechanical, chemical and petroleum spend significant time directing operations in the field. We have found it is extremely important particularly during the early phase of our projects to be present for realtime decision making on site. In all cases we achieve a close working relationship with the local stakeholders which facilitates efficient and cost effective operations. When all members cannot be present, we work reasonably seamlessly using available technology to engage members of our team which provides a broad range of evaluations.
Parallel to our technical capabilities, we have deep knowledge with years of financial expertise employed prior to and during the incubation and development of our EOR assets.
John Trueblood, Dr. Pope and our mechanical engineer Michael Dobrinski supervising activities. We make it a point for all members of the team to be on site as needed. As the project becomes more mature we cultivate a local team to assist as our “eyes and ears” on location. Reasonable automation is achieved recognizing it cannot replace manpower trained and attending to business.
In 2011 Trueblood Resources embarked on a project near Ft Supply Oklahoma which incorporated both wind and natural gas for electrical generation. As wind without proper storage capacity is an intermittant enery source, the use of natural gas to supplement this electrical generation is ideal. The wind turbines had been installed several years prior to our arrival at the Randall Ranch lease. The minerals were owned by the Randall heirs yet the suface was owned by Buster and Jane Record. Trueblood Resources established a close working relationship with the Randall Family and particularly Buster and Jane Record as we planned to operate on their ranch. Parallel to this we contacted the large public utilities who owned the wind generation facilities. It was an interesting idea and facinating venture. Our goal once we established sufficient natural gas production and reserves on the Randall Ranch was to install sufficient infrastructure to generate onsite electricity with natural gas generators. The infrastructure to move the electricity to large population centers had been installed for the wind generation. Our proposal was quite simple. When the wind generation was reduced either because a change in wind patterns or mechanical breakdowns with the wind turbines, TRI would supplement the electrical generation with natural gas. As a main byproduct when buring methane is water and the heating value of natural gas is high, particularly in this area where the natural gas is rich in mmbtu, this made for an ideal, environmentally friendly, efficient, reliable and low cost electrical generating facility. After investigating this in general terms with the utilities the idea appeared a bit bureaucratic. We ultimately put the idea on hold. We also remember vividly Buster Record commenting one day “I have been watching the wind generation on our property for the past several years. I am beginning to believe the wind turbines take more energy to build, operate and maintain than they actually generate.” He commented “when something breaks, an army of trucks and machinery arrives to remove the turbine blades and or other mechanical items and then they proceed to transport the equipment 300 miles away for repairs. Once repaired they again arrive with an army of trucks and machinery to put the turbine back into operation. Looks like in my opinion this uses alot of energy.” As one other thoughtful engineer commented on another occasion “All energy has a cost. No energy is free.” Perhaps a goal is to achieve the lowest greenhouse gas emissions while looking at the “carbon footprint” of all sources of energy and energy consumption then come up with a practical and achievable solution. Is it possible with multiple sources of energy while integrating fossil fuels with renewables and potentially nuclear for this to actually be realized. Quite simply this may not be a “zero sum game.”
Interview with John B. Trueblood, Denver, CO
Listen to USA Oil and Gas Experts – Independent Oil and Gas Operators on Current Status of the Industry. North American Prospect Expo (NAPE)
Early Mentors-Partners Trueblood Companies
Harry A. Trueblood, Jr. & John B. Trueblood discuss early participants in Trueblood companies. Dan O’Shea President of RKO Radio Pictures was an influential and important mentor for many years.
Harry A. Trueblood, Jr 1/3 Owner of the Vail Valley 1961
Harry A. Trueblood, Jr. saw the vision in 1961 Vail Colorado had a real opportunity to be a fine resort. He ultimately exercised an option with local sheep herders in the area to purchase approximately 1000 acres. This included all of East Vail, much of West Vail both sides of the Highway which is now I-70 and then US-6. He owned much of Avon, Colorado as well. In this video Harry discusses early values, both the opportunity and challenge of the initial development. Harry Trueblood entrepreneur and businessman who knows well how to manage risk.
Princeville Resort North Shore Hanalei Kauai Hawaii
In 1968 Harry Trueblood had the vision which today is the Princeville Resort Community on the North Shore of Kauai. He always was asked “How did you get to Hawaii?” “I was doing a deal in North Shore Lake Tahoe and next thing you know I am looking at acreage in Hanalei.” Harry perservered 20 years to see this vision through. He also remarked “When I arrived on the North Shore in 1968 there were exactly two cowboys employed. Not exactly a booming area for job opportunities.” The County seeing he might bring business to the North Shore was fauning all over him. They made numerous promises of infrastructure and other incentives. Twenty years later as Harry recounted “The County did not live up to one promise they made.” When asked he remarked “They are just politicians.”
Oklahoma and Texas Crude Oil Exploration, Production, Field Operations
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs
When did Trueblood Resources begin operations in the Anadarko Basin?
Why did Trueblood Resources decide to focus on the Anadarko Basin?
Why has Trueblood Resources selected the State of Oklahoma to conduct the majority of its operations?
Why has Trueblood Resources emphasized the shelf of the Anadarko Basin for most of it projects?
Due Diligence Questions from Stakeholders
What drilling depths are generally selected in the oil and gas prospects, which Trueblood Resources puts together?
Have the employees of Trueblood Resources had a positive experience at the Company?
Have Landowners, Investors and Joint Venture Participants enjoyed working with Trueblood Resources?
How has Technology impacted Trueblood Resources Drilling success?
Anadarko Basin Serendipity and Oil Plays
Trueblood Resources Inc.
Operations Denver, CO and Oklahoma. For sophisticated investors, partners, and landowners in the Anadarko Basin.